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file lost wages claim after car accident

Being in a car accident can upend your life in a variety of ways.

Besides having to pay hospital bills and attend rehabilitation sessions, many victims have to take time out of work.

This can lead to professional setbacks, loss of valuable sick or vacation days, and lost wages.

Filing a wage loss claim can be the last thing you want to do. 

If you’ve missed work due to a car accident, you should consider filing a wage loss claim.

Doing so can ensure that you get reimbursement for your lost wages and other related damages.

To learn more, contact an experienced California personal injury lawyer right away.

What Are Lost Wages?

Before discussing lost wage claims, we need to understand exactly what we mean when we use the term “lost wages.”

Lost wages refer to any and all work-related benefits that a car accident victim would have received if they had not been involved in the car accident.

Lost wages can include things like:

  • Regular pay,
  • Paid time off (including vacation, personal, and sick days),
  • Overtime pay,
  • Job perks (such as free work meals, college tuition reimbursements, and transportation stipends),
  • Sales commissions, and
  • Performance or time-based bonuses.

Make sure you preserve any evidence related to your lost wages. Doing so will make it easier to receive a higher amount of compensation in court. 

Understanding Past Lost Wages and Future Lost Earning Capacity

California law also allows car accident victims to claim damages for future loss of income because of the results of the car accident. In California, these future damages are called “lost earning capacity.”

Lost earning capacity can include things like:

  • Upcoming promotions,
  • Anticipated bonuses,
  • Increased use of sick or vacation days, and
  • Anticipated lost wages.

It’s best to consult a personal injury attorney to help you prove lost earning capacity damages. In most cases, you will need special testimony from medical or work-related experts to be successful in court. 

How to Claim Lost Wages from a Car Accident

To claim lost wages, you’ll need to file a lawsuit in court against the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

You can claim other damages as well when you file a lawsuit, including damages for past medical expenses, pain and suffering, and future medical expenses. In some cases, you can even seek punitive damages.

Before you file a lawsuit to claim lost wages, consult an attorney.

They’ll be able to help you determine the right venue for your lawsuit and develop a strategy for how to obtain the most compensation possible for your losses. 

Reach Out to a Knowledgeable Car Accident Attorney to Get the Compensation You Deserve

Now that you know how to claim lost wages from a car accident, take the next step and consult an attorney. That said, it’s important to pick the right attorney.

Specifically, you need an attorney who specializes in car accidents and who is truly passionate about helping their clients.

Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. Mr. Yoni Weinberg, Esq., always gives 100% of his attention and effort to his clients.

He is also a tech-savvy attorney who can use all kinds of cutting-edge methods to obtain advantages for his customers. Whatever your situation, he will work with you to help you defend your rights. 

Call 818-697-1079 or reach out online to set up a free initial appointment today. 

Disclaimer: This content should not be construed as legal advice.

Disclaimer: This content should not be construed as legal advice.

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As a personal injury attorney, my mantra is that there is no such thing as a “small case”. I will give 100% matter how big or small a case may be. I am fluent in English, Hebrew, and Spanish, languages which I use regularly in my practice.

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